This Table Lamp Camera Video Recorder 32 GB SD card capability the recorder can give up to 64 hrs of continuous recording time, even longer periods can be achieved by making use of the scheduled record or motion detection record options.
The high quality video footage is date and time stamped and can easily be played back on a laptop, PC or TV.
* MPEG-4 video compression.
* D1 (704*576) resolution.
* MPEG-4/ASF video format, MP3 audio format.
* Real-time, date stamp on videos.
* Manual/motion detect/scheduled/power-up record/overwrite.
* Audio compression 8KHZ/ADPCM.
* 5/15/30fps optional.
* CCD low lux 420 Tvl camera with pinhole lens.
* SDHC memory support, up to 32GB.
* MPEG-4/ASF playback.
* AV-OUT connect with TV, monitor for setting up or playback.
* IR remote control operation.
* Supports manual snapshots.